Geschäftsbericht 2021
Brief an die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre
Sulzer auf einen Blick
Unser Unternehmen
Unsere Kennzahlen
Zwei Jahrhunderte Technologieführerschaft
Sulzer als Wegbereiter in der Wasserindustrie
Längere Lebensdauer von Anlagen zur Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energie
Nachhaltige und biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe mit Sulzer
Lagebericht Flow Equipment
Lagebericht Services
Lagebericht Chemtech
Corporate governance
(English only)
Corporate structure and shareholders
Capital structure
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Shareholder participation rights
Takeover and defense measures
Risk management
Information policy
Compensation report (English only)
Paying for sustainable performance
Special report – medmix spin-off
Compensation governance and principles
Compensation architecture for the CEO and Executive Committee members
Compensation of the Executive Committee for 2021
Compensation architecture for the Board of Directors
Compensation of the Board of Directors for 2021
Auditor’s report
Consolidated financial statements
(English only)
Consolidated income statement
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Auditor’s report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Supplementary Information
Financial statements of Sulzer Ltd
(English only)
Balance sheet of Sulzer Ltd
Income statement of Sulzer Ltd
Statement of changes in equity of Sulzer Ltd
Notes to the financial statements of Sulzer Ltd
Proposal of the Board of Directors for the appropriation of the available profit
Auditor’s report
Halbjahresbericht 2021
Geschäftsbericht 2020
Halbjahresbericht 2020
Geschäftsbericht 2019
Halbjahresbericht 2021
Geschäftsbericht 2020
Halbjahresbericht 2020
Geschäftsbericht 2019
Ältere Berichte
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