8 Employee benefit plans
The present value of the defined benefit obligations and costs of the defined benefits are calculated using the projected unit credit method. For active members the calculation considers future salary increases, future pension increases as well as the probability of departures, and for retirees, current and future pension benefits considering future pension increases.
Reconciliation of the amount recognized in the balance sheet as of December 31
2024 |
millions of CHF |
Funded plans Switzerland |
Funded plans United Kingdom |
Funded plans USA |
Funded plans others |
Unfunded plans |
Total |
Present value of funded defined benefit obligation |
–759.7 |
–323.9 |
–46.7 |
–81.6 |
– |
–1’211.9 |
Fair value of plan assets (funded plans) |
899.9 |
258.9 |
44.5 |
56.9 |
– |
1’260.2 |
Overfunding / (underfunding) |
140.2 |
–65.0 |
–2.2 |
–24.7 |
– |
48.3 |
Present value of unfunded defined benefit obligation |
– |
– |
– |
– |
–10.4 |
–10.4 |
Adjustment to asset ceiling |
– |
– |
– |
–0.0 |
– |
–0.0 |
Net asset / (liability) recognized in the balance sheet |
140.2 |
–65.0 |
–2.2 |
–24.7 |
–10.4 |
37.9 |
– thereof defined benefit obligations |
– |
–65.0 |
–2.3 |
–28.4 |
–10.4 |
–106.1 |
– thereof defined benefit assets |
140.2 |
– |
0.1 |
3.7 |
– |
144.0 |
2023 |
millions of CHF |
Funded plans Switzerland |
Funded plans United Kingdom |
Funded plans USA |
Funded plans others |
Unfunded plans |
Total |
Present value of funded defined benefit obligation |
–731.2 |
–346.1 |
–48.6 |
–83.1 |
– |
–1’209.0 |
Fair value of plan assets (funded plans) |
899.9 |
268.5 |
38.6 |
56.2 |
– |
1’263.2 |
Overfunding / (underfunding) |
168.8 |
–77.6 |
–10.0 |
–27.0 |
– |
54.2 |
Present value of unfunded defined benefit obligation |
– |
– |
– |
– |
–10.9 |
–10.9 |
Adjustment to asset ceiling |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Net asset / (liability) recognized in the balance sheet |
168.8 |
–77.6 |
–10.0 |
–27.0 |
–10.9 |
43.2 |
– thereof defined benefit obligations |
– |
–77.6 |
–10.0 |
–28.7 |
–10.9 |
–127.3 |
– thereof defined benefit assets |
168.8 |
– |
– |
1.7 |
– |
170.5 |
The group operates major funded defined benefit pension plans in Switzerland, the UK and the USA. The main unfunded defined benefit plan is a German pension benefit plan. The plans are exposed to actuarial risks, e.g., longevity risk, currency risk and interest rate risk, and the funded plans additionally to market (investment) risk.
In Switzerland, the group contributes to two pension plans funded via two different pension funds, i.e., a base plan for all employees and a supplementary plan for employees with salaries exceeding a certain limit. Both plans provide benefits depending on the pension savings at retirement. They include certain legal minimum interest credits to the pension savings (i.e., investment return) and guaranteed rates of conversion of pension savings into an annuity at retirement. In addition, the plans offer death in service and disability benefits. The two pension funds are collective funds administrating pension plans of group companies and also unrelated companies. In case of a material underfunding of the pension plans, the regulations include predefined steps, such as higher contributions by employer and employees or lower interest on pension savings, to eliminate the underfunding. The pension funds are legally separated from the group. The vast majority of the active participants in the two pension funds are employed by companies not belonging to the group. The Board of Trustees for the base plan comprises nine employee representatives and nine employer representatives. The discount rate in 2024 decreased compared to 2023 (from 1.5% to 1.0% for active employees and from 1.5% to 0.9% for pensioners). In 2024, there was no gain or loss from the change in effect of asset ceiling recorded in other comprehensive income (OCI) related to the Swiss pension plans (2023: gain of CHF 202.3 million). The net pension asset decreased from CHF 168.8 million to CHF 140.2 million. The total expenses recognized in the income statement in 2024 amounted to CHF 15.7 million (2023: CHF 11.3 million) and includes past service costs amounting to CHF 4.7 million (2023: CHF 1.3 million). The past service costs were recorded for a plan amendment to both of the pension plans, which consisted of an increase in the conversion rate.
In the UK, the plan is a final salary plan and provides benefits linked to salary at closure to future accrual adjusted for inflation to retirement or earlier date of leaving service. The scheme is fully closed to new entrants and future accruals. The scheme is managed by eight trustees forming the Board. The plan is a multiemployer scheme with Sulzer (UK) Holding being the principal sponsor. The discount rate increased in 2024 by 0.9 percentage points to 5.6% (2023: 4.7%). The net pension liability decreased from CHF 77.6 million in 2023 to CHF 65.0 million in 2024, with a gain recognized in OCI amounting to CHF 11.8 million (2023: loss of CHF 6.6 million). In 2024, the total expenses recognized in the income statement amounted to CHF 3.7 million (2023: CHF 3.8 million).
In the USA, the group operates non-contributory defined benefit retirement plans. The salaried plans provide benefits that are based on years of service and the employee’s compensation, averaged over the five highest consecutive years preceding retirement. The hourly plans’ benefits are based on years of service and a flat dollar benefit multiplier. All plans are closed to new entrants. The discount rate increased in 2024 to 5.4% (2023: 4.7%). The net pension liability decreased from CHF 10.0 million in 2023 to CHF 2.2 million in 2024 with a gain recognized in OCI amounting to CHF 8.0 million (2023: loss of CHF 0.4 million). The total expenses recognized in 2024 amounted to CHF 0.9 million (2023: CHF 1.1 million).
In Germany, the group operates a range of different defined benefit pension plans, with one unfunded plan and two funded plans. All defined benefit plans are closed for new entrants and a new defined contribution plan for all employees was introduced in 2007. Existing employees who participated in the defined benefit plans continued to be eligible for these defined benefit pensions but also became eligible for the new defined contribution pensions. However, benefits received under the defined contribution plan are offset against the benefits under the defined benefit plans. The different defined benefit plans offer retirement pension, disability pension and survivor’s pension benefits.
Employee benefit plans
millions of CHF |
2024 |
2023 |
Reconciliation of effect of asset ceiling |
Adjustment to asset ceiling at January 1 |
– |
–197.9 |
Interest (expenses) / income on effect of asset ceiling |
– |
–4.4 |
Change in effect of asset ceiling excl. interest (expenses) / income |
–0.0 |
202.3 |
Currency translation differences |
0.0 |
–0.0 |
Adjustment to asset ceiling at December 31 |
– |
– |
Reconciliation of net asset / (liability) recognized in the balance sheet |
Net asset / (liability) recognized at January 1 |
43.2 |
–121.0 |
Defined benefit income / (expenses) recognized in the income statement |
–24.3 |
–20.1 |
Defined benefit income / (expenses) recognized in OCI |
–2.4 |
160.3 |
Employer contributions |
26.3 |
24.1 |
Divestitures of subsidiaries |
– |
– |
Reclassification 1) |
–0.0 |
–6.0 |
Currency translation differences |
–4.9 |
5.9 |
Net asset / (liability) recognized at December 31 |
37.9 |
43.2 |
Components of defined benefit income / (expenses) in the income statement |
Current service costs (employer) |
–15.8 |
–12.1 |
Past service costs |
–4.7 |
–1.5 |
Gains and (losses) on settlement |
–0.2 |
0.1 |
Interest expenses |
–32.2 |
–38.5 |
Interest income on plan assets |
29.0 |
37.2 |
Interest expenses / (income) on effect of asset ceiling |
– |
–4.4 |
Other administrative costs |
–0.4 |
–0.9 |
Income / (expenses) recognized in the income statement |
–24.3 |
–20.1 |
– thereof charged to personnel expenses |
–21.1 |
–14.4 |
– thereof charged to interest income / (expenses), net |
–3.2 |
–5.7 |
Components of defined benefit gains / (losses) in OCI |
Actuarial gains / (losses) on defined benefit obligation |
–19.5 |
–64.6 |
Returns on plan assets excl. interest income |
17.0 |
22.4 |
Changes in effect of asset ceiling excl. interest expenses / (income) |
–0.0 |
202.3 |
Returns on reimbursement right excl. interest income / (expenses) |
0.1 |
0.2 |
Defined benefit gains / (losses) recognized in OCI 2) |
–2.4 |
160.3 |
1) Defined benefit plans reclassified in 2023 from provisions to defined benefit obligation.
2) The tax effect on defined benefit cost recognized in OCI amounted to CHF 3.3 million (2023: CHF -31.5 million).
Employee benefit plans
millions of CHF |
2024 |
2023 |
Reconciliation of defined benefit obligation (funded and unfunded plans) |
Defined benefit obligation as of January 1 |
–1’220.0 |
–1’215.6 |
Interest expenses |
–32.2 |
–38.5 |
Current service costs (employer) |
–15.8 |
–12.1 |
Past service costs |
–4.7 |
–1.5 |
Contributions by plan participants |
–8.5 |
–8.1 |
Benefits paid / (deposited) |
100.9 |
105.1 |
Gains and (losses) on settlement |
–0.2 |
0.1 |
Other administrative costs |
–0.4 |
–0.9 |
Actuarial gains / (losses) |
–19.5 |
–64.6 |
Divestitures of subsidiaries |
– |
– |
Reclassification 1) |
–0.0 |
–6.0 |
Currency translation differences |
–22.0 |
22.1 |
Defined benefit obligation as of December 31 |
–1’222.3 |
–1’220.0 |
Reconciliation of the fair value of plan assets |
Fair value of plan assets as of January 1 |
1’263.2 |
1’292.5 |
Interest income on plan assets |
29.0 |
37.2 |
Employer contributions |
26.3 |
24.1 |
Contributions by plan participants |
8.5 |
8.1 |
Benefits (paid) / deposited |
–100.8 |
–104.9 |
Returns on plan assets excl. interest income |
17.0 |
22.4 |
Currency translation differences |
17.0 |
–16.3 |
Fair value of plan assets as of December 31 |
1’260.2 |
1’263.2 |
Total plan assets at fair value – quoted market price |
Cash and cash equivalents |
45.4 |
52.3 |
Equity instruments |
261.1 |
242.4 |
Debt instruments |
275.8 |
272.5 |
Real estate funds |
18.7 |
29.4 |
Investment funds |
5.5 |
5.0 |
Others |
74.3 |
72.5 |
Total assets at fair value – quoted market price as of December 31 |
680.7 |
674.1 |
Total plan assets at fair value – non-quoted market price |
Properties occupied by or used by third parties (real estate) |
275.6 |
271.3 |
Others |
303.9 |
317.7 |
Total assets at fair value – non-quoted market price as of December 31 |
579.5 |
589.0 |
Best estimate of contributions for upcoming financial year |
Contributions by the employer |
27.0 |
25.3 |
1) Defined benefit plans reclassified in 2023 from provisions to defined benefit obligation.
Employee benefit plans
millions of CHF |
2024 |
2023 |
Components of defined benefit obligation, split |
Defined benefit obligation for active members |
–278.1 |
–238.5 |
Defined benefit obligation for pensioners |
–753.9 |
–777.4 |
Defined benefit obligation for deferred members |
–190.3 |
–204.1 |
Total defined benefit obligation as of December 31 |
–1’222.3 |
–1’220.0 |
Components of actuarial gains / (losses) on obligations |
Actuarial gains / (losses) arising from changes in financial assumptions |
–4.7 |
–55.3 |
Actuarial gains / (losses) arising from changes in demographic assumptions |
5.6 |
12.8 |
Actuarial gains / (losses) arising from experience adjustments |
–20.4 |
–22.1 |
Total actuarial gains / (losses) on defined benefit obligation |
–19.5 |
–64.6 |
Maturity profile of defined benefit obligation |
Weighted average duration of defined benefit obligation in years |
10.6 |
10.8 |
The defined benefit obligations for the Swiss and UK pension plans represent 89% (2023: 88%) of the group. The following significant actuarial assumptions were used for these two countries:
Principal actuarial assumptions as of December 31
2024 |
2023 |
Funded plans Switzerland |
Funded plans United Kingdom |
Funded plans Switzerland |
Funded plans United Kingdom |
Discount rate for active employees |
1.0% |
n/a |
1.5% |
n/a |
Discount rate for pensioners |
0.9% |
5.6% |
1.5% |
4.7% |
Future salary increases |
2.3% |
n/a |
2.3% |
n/a |
Future pension increases |
0.0% |
2.7% |
0.0% |
2.7% |
Life expectancy at retirement age (male / female) in years |
22/24 |
21/24 |
22/23 |
21/24 |
Sensitivity analysis of defined benefit obligations
millions of CHF |
2024 |
2023 |
Discount rate (decrease 0.25 percentage points) |
–32.7 |
–32.1 |
Discount rate (increase 0.25 percentage points) |
31.0 |
30.4 |
Future salary growth (decrease 0.25 percentage points) |
2.2 |
2.1 |
Future salary growth (increase 0.25 percentage points) |
–2.8 |
–2.0 |
Life expectancy (decrease 1 year) |
65.3 |
66.6 |
Life expectancy (increase 1 year) |
–64.4 |
–64.9 |
Negative amounts in the above table indicate an increase in defined benefit obligations, positive amounts indicate a decrease in defined benefit obligations. The sensitivity analysis is based on reasonably possible changes of the significant actuarial assumptions as of year end. The sensitivities provided are based on the change in one assumption while holding the other assumptions unchanged. Interdependencies were not considered.